Funny Musical About Fat Girl Singing

Minyeo-neun goerowo (2006) Poster

7 /10

Actually quite good...

"200 Pounds Beauty" (aka "Minyeo-neun goerowo") sort of is a modern day Cinderella story, although with a twist. And it does differentiate itself from the numerous South Korean romantic comedy movies, which in itself in an impressive feat.

Director Yong-Hwa Kim has managed to put together a great romantic comedy that didn't follow the standard recipe of how to make a successful rom-com. As such, "200 Pounds Beauty" was a nice breath of fresh air to the genre.

Think Cinderella and you have the core essence of the movie. Han-na (played by Ah-Jung Kim) is a large singer who is doing the singing for a lip syncing popstar, hidden away because of her size and appearance. Undergoing full cosmetic surgery Han-na becomes everything she dreamed of, but she loses herself along the way and turns into what she always hated.

This comedy is not the kind that will leave you flat out laughing, but instead it is a good story with subtle comedy that will make you feel good. The nice storyline is accompanied by equally nice acting performances.

A big thumbs up to Ah-Jung Kim for her performance in this movie. She really did carry the movie quite nicely.

"200 Pounds Beauty" is a benchmark in the South Korean romantic comedy genre, and it is a must watch if you enjoy this particular genre. It is a beautiful movie that will leave a lasting impression. Highly recommended that you sit down to watch this movie.

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10 /10

Funny, sweet, romantic, all-time awesome movie ever!

This is a movie that follows a typical happy romantic comedy.. starts off happy, goes down.. back up.. and it hits the top and stays there. But then again, 200 pounds beauty is SO much more! On the surface it is already a great movie. The fat girl protagonist Hanna is very cute and kind, later she turns into beautiful and thin but still kind and innocent Jenny. So there's a bit of eyecandy, both cute and sexy throughout the whole movie. But then there's the funny bits, the movie has hilarious little kicks throughout the whole movie, making you laugh at all the right movies.

But then there's a deeper side. This movie talks about themes such as the superficial view of the world, how beauty becomes an obsession, how the most beautiful heart can hide inside a bigger girl, how people will give everything to a girl with beautiful face-- superficiality yet again.

The sad parts that touched deep to the heart of the film are very well scripted and acted.. I cried so many times watching it to see an 'ugly' girl turned beautiful, but having to give so much up and yet not quite happy with the shallow joys that this new body and face have given her.

A small disappointment however was that the story's villain did not do much and disappeared for the majority of the movie and out of the viewer's mind, rendering the character pretty useless and taking away a little something more the movie could have had.

Overall, a feel-good movie that is a definite must watch! It goes above all my initial expectations and is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, love and think!

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10 /10

Best Korean romantic comedy I've seen for a while.. and that really means something.

There's a reason this movie dominated the Korean box office over the holiday season. It was more popular than Night at the Museum and many other American films. It accomplishes many things that recent Korean romantic comedies have failed at. Basically, this movie is the star vehicle for new actress Kim Ah-Jung. She gives a great performance and fits the role perfectly. Even though the plot is simplistic, it is very witty and provides consistent comedy. The movie does not take itself too seriously like a lot of Korean movies that are all like "OMG LET'S BE FUNNY FOR THE FIRST HALF AND MAKE IT ALL DEPRESSING IN THE SECOND HALF!" While it provides many laughs, the story is still touching and meaningful. And what's amazing is that Kim Ah-Jung did all of her own singing, despite never having sung in a movie before nor being a singer. The soundtrack for 200 Pounds Beauty has topped the charts in Korea and "Maria" is one of the most popular songs in Korea right now.

Since this is basically my first review, I want to emphasize that I wanted to write it because no Korean movie has touched me this strongly since I saw My Sassy Girl.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see a satisfying romantic comedy. 10/10

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9 /10

It Works On All Levels

This could have been a disaster. A story about a "ghost singer" (think Milli Vinilli) and phone sex operator changes her whole appearance, going from 200 pounds to becoming beautiful and shapely via full body plastic surgery, it could have been a silly film. It has silly moments, where guys are awestruck by her beauty, but this romantic comedy has a lot of heart. It succeeds in having Hanna, played by the beautiful Ah-jung Kim, and the guy she likes, Sang-jun, not become too serious, but also not become parodies of themselves. The movie, as you may have figured out, plays the fat card, but does it with restraint. Hanna becomes Jenny after her makeover, and works with Sang-jun. One thing I wished didn't happen thankfully didn't: She didn't all of a sudden begin sagging before our eyes. The music is good, some songs in English, some in Korean (I liked how they remade Blondie's "Maria"). Ah-jung Kim is a good actress, she plays Hanna/Jenny very well. I think you will get a lot from this film, and that is without the film being preachy about how everyone is beautiful, no matter what. There are nice sentimental touches in this film. I liked it a lot. I think Ah-jung Kim is someone to watch, she played the role perfectly. Its a feel good movie, so go ahead and see it.

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8 /10

Fantastic movie, period...

I will admit that I have not seen many Korean romantic comedies, so I can't say definitively how it compares to others. But I have definitely seen my fair share of U.S. romantic comedies. Frankly, the genre has become so clichéd, it's nearly impossible to find any decent new romantic comedies.

When I chose to watch "200 Pounds Beauty," I expected more of the same formulaic plot twists, etc. Yet I was pleasantly surprised at how beautifully produced this movie was. The actors did a superb job. My only contention is that there were several unexplained plot contents. I won't spoil it for any potential viewers, so I'll leave you to figure those out for yourselves.

Bottom line: if you want to watch a cute, funny and well done romantic comedy, then this is your movie. But make sure you have some Kleenex on hand! There are a few tugging-at-the-heart strings scenes.

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3 /10

Why people are giving so good reviews?

This is the worst korean movie I have seen so far. Korean industry has already made so higher standard that I didn't expect something like this. It's all about getting weight reduce and beautifying one girl through plastic surgery. It's like promoting surgery. She gets whatever she desired for throughout her life within a few days, even no one is able to recognise her voice too.

I just watched it in 1.30 speed, I was just going through the subs and waiting for this movie to end. I'm bored just . This movie isn't funny at all. I feel like It's promoting body shaming and plastic surgery.

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10 /10

Not another romantic Korean comedy, this is 200 pound beauty.

Everyone knows the routine for a romantic Korean comedy that tugs at one's heart; but 200 pound beauty sets itself apart from the typical film. The humor in this film is placed in all the right moments, making you laugh at a moment so simple but right. This film definitely opens the eyes of individuals going through what Hanna does, or those who believe superficial beauty is the only beauty. The message of this film is not that plastic surgery is the key to being happy or successful, but any beauty is so much more beautiful and real than the superficial one. After you get done with this movie, I guarantee that you will either cry or feel a different air about the controversial topic we all face through in life.

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3 /10

If you thought Bill Maher did fat jokes...

Warning: Spoilers

"200 Pounds Beauty" is the story of Kang Hanna, a talented pop singer whose life is void of purpose because she is a sickeningly obese, nightmarish grotesque of a cow (a size 16). She hits the pit of despair (literally, falls through the floor because SHE'S REALLY FAT) and goes in for a full body hack-and-slash makeover that brings her money, respect, love, preferential treatment by traffic cops and general good fortune, so she can realize that true beauty lies on the inside. Overweight people don't come across too well in any movie industry, but this is some of the most relentless fat-bashing I've seen outside of a middle school.

First, for reference, google an image of Queen Latifah in 2006, where she's about the size of Pre-Op Hanna. You may notice two things - she looks pretty sexy, and she has a visible jaw line. The Korean art department, on the other hand, stuck the actress inside a fat suit that made her head and neck look like a swollen thumb, a la Mama June of Honey Boo Boo fame. The immense, distended face bottoms out in a rolling sac of flesh that only makes anatomical sense on someone the size of Gilbert Grape's mother. From the first scene, Hanna is a human wrecking ball, a disaster on legs that crashes through man-made environments like a grizzly bear in ballet flats. Other characters react to her weight with either disgust or astonishment, when they're not ducking for cover.

This is the unchanging tone of the movie until Hanna goes under the knife, and it's an incredibly alienating experience. A woman who barely rates as obese on the BMI chart is treated like a freak of nature that society isn't even equipped to handle. Floors can't support her, paramedics can't lift her onto a gurney, and her dementia-riddled father only goes lucid to tell her that she's fat.

To all this, add the sexism, aggression towards subordinates and mistreatment of lessers that seem to be the bedrock of social relations in every Korean movie, and you have a downright abusive piece of work.

After the bone-crushing overhaul, Hanna suddenly finds herself desired and popular. The rebuild allows her to get the attention of her previously unrequited crush, who is a K-pop producer. Hanna's big late-movie dilemma is how to hide her "work" from this guy who sternly tells her that he only dates all-natural women, even though his whole career is built on shilling the same beauty standards that drive women to get plastic surgery in the first place. It's like Donald Trump coming out against tacky casino decor.

Post-Op Hanna is plagued by the usual crises, but who can stay mad at someone that skinny and pretty? I'll leave you to guess whether she manages to triumph in the end and win the devotion of the man who had to choke down barf to hug her when she was fat.

But the important thing is that she learnstoloveherselfforwhosheis. Boom.

People call "200 Pounds Beauty" touching and cute because it makes a last-minute, barely detectable feint to talk up "true inner beauty" and wag a finger at shallow pop body standards, but it's undercut by the fact that the movie is, start to finish, a meretricious celebration of those standards. The main take-away here is forgiveness for people who used to look ugly if they currently look pretty. It's about as romantic as American Psycho, and perhaps even more depressing.

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8 /10

200 Pounds of Happiness

200 pounds? That's a lot! The movie is very good, but not as good as some other Korean movies such as The Classic and Sassy Girl.

The movie is very enjoyable, very funny from the very first scene, and very heartbreaking near the end.

Well, the story is simple, a fat girl with a good voice is a ghost singer for a famous pop star, the pop star makes fun of her in front of the man she loves. She leaves for god knows how long, beautiful and thin.

You have to love Kim Aj-jung and Jo Jin-mo. Over all, I recommend the film. It's very enjoyable to watch all over again.


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10 /10

200 Pound Beauty is a MUST WATCH!!!

This movie is able to bring a complex issue onto the audience and present it in such a warm, light-hearted and understanding manner. At first, I thought I would be in for a superficial and callous movie about plastic surgery. OH was I ever more wrong. 200 Pound Beauty manages to capture the complexity of the issue without it ever bearing down on the film. It is an extremely funny, witty and light-hearted commentary on the trend of plastic surgery in Korea. And it does so with grace, respect and understanding of the subject matter. Everyone must watch this film. No other film in recent history has ever captured my heart and imagination so well as this one did. I dare say it rivals the storytelling of My Sassy Girl; one of my all-time favorite films. This is a "MUST WATCH" for all those who love romantic comedies.

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10 /10

This film is pure magic :)

Warning: Spoilers

I thought that this film would be nice, considering the fact that the storyline spoke about a "200 pound" beauty.( I wanted to watch it because I myself am obese). The way she suffers hurt because of the way the world perceives her was nicely presented.

The film is a indirect satire on the society, which DEMANDS that you look "good" and "presentable" to be "accepted". The way Hanna changes to Jenny, just to "prove her worth" in the eyes of the man, whom she loves so much, is something which we must together change as a society.

I'm surprised that this film doesn't figure in the must-watch list of Hollywood critics, who compile the top 100 lists regularly. This is an absolutely MUST WATCH film. The way the director presents the story is what makes it immensely heart touching. The end concert scene made me nearly cry. Wow!! Due credit must be given to the film's heroine Kim Ah-joong who lives her role. She communicates her emotions so clearly through her lovely eyes and face expressions that you end up admiring so much, because she makes you forget that she's acting!!! Kudos to her.

The male lead also suits perfectly. Hanna's friend and the recording company boss' son are superb.

The scenes between dog-Jenny and Jenny in lift make you laugh a lot. Oh I also cannot forget the love making scenes where she says "not here" and "not there, either"!!! The concert takes the film to amazing heights and makes it a movie-experience you don't wanna miss out. Hats off to the entire team for making such a fine film. You truly rocked my life!!!!

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6 /10

Could have been funnier

This movie is alright but could have been funnier and more meaningful. Although she owned up to having plastic surgery the message is still that she found love and success because of her weight loss. Maybe its just realistic and not preachy. Shallow Hal is a better movie. The actress is a real singer and that shows. The lead actor and actress have chemistry.

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7 /10

A Nutshell Review: 200 Pounds Beauty

Warning: Spoilers

I am not trying to sound like a pretentious fool, but seriously, I am curious how do fat people take towards the onslaught of movies taking the mickey out of the weight issue? From movies like Shallow Hal, to Eddie Murphy's Nutty Professor, The Klumps and the recent Norbit, and now, this Korean romantic-comedy 200 Pounds Beauty. You'll left to ponder, how many fat jokes are there left to tell?

200 Pounds Beauty surprisingly was entertaining. No, I wasn't referring to the quality of the fatty jokes, but rather in its premise it sets for the heroine Hanna (Kim A-jung), the titular character in question, a plus sized woman with an extremely marketable voice, who's actually employed in a ploy to be the cover singer for a talentless lass Ammy, who looks good, shakes that booty well, but just cannot sing. At night, Hanna moonlights as a chat line employee - you know, those sexy ads with pretty lasses tempting you to call them through some exorbitant pay-per-call telephone line for phone sex.

In love with Ammy's record producer Sang-joong (Joo Jin-mo), but self-conscious about her size and without the dare to admit her feelings, Hanna decides to transform herself after a turmoil of emotional upheavals, albeit with some help from plastic surgery, a full body one no less, and calls the new her Jenny. You might think that the movie is ripe for some criticism into Korea's #1 obsession amongst their womanfolk, you might want to think again. While there are moments where the characters seemingly lambast both male and female attitudes towards plastic surgery, such as low self esteem and lack of innate confidence, this is very soon forgotten when the movie stepped up a gear towards its fairy tale finale of sorts, which in an incredibly overstretched sequence, tried to elicit soppy tears from the soft hearted ones in the audience.

There are some nice, perhaps contrived even, touches built into the narrative, especially on the psychological effects on the changes that extreme plastic surgery - imagine waking up one day to find yourself a completely different person. However in general, it plays out like a fluffy romance comedy with jokes on secret identities, beauties who turn heads (heh, pun intended) and get their way in society, well balanced with dramatic moments of honouring the ties with family and friends.

Kim A-jung naturally is the star of the show, putting on the fat suit ala what Sammi Cheng did in Love on a Diet. She's naturally beautiful, with those innocent bambi-looking eyes, so it's hard for any hot blooded male out there not to fall for her charms. Also, the music added another dimension to the movie. Filled with pop tunes from the 80s and Korean tunes created for the movie (I read that the song Maria actually hit the K-pop charts), the staged musical concerts are a force to be reckoned with, especially since Kim A-jung really delved deep into the performances, and was credibly lending her own vocals to the songs. I thought at times these scenes played out similar to those in Nana, and similarly to the recent Dreamgirls, prepare for some lung bursting, loudspeaker busting singing.

Based on the Japanese manga by Suzuki Yumiko, 200 Pounds Beauty is an example of a perfect date movie, since the girls can ogle at the charmingly handsome Joo Jin-mo. With enough ups and downs and a feel good ending to boot, perhaps the messages in the movie, if there are any to be seriously taken to begin with, become diluted with the relatively long runtime of 120 minutes. The strongest message that comes out of it could probably be that reminder that you can't make everyone love you, no matter how hard you try.

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10 /10

An Impressive film

Unexpectedly I knew about this film when I was accessing Youtube.Oh yes I was finding Lee Hyori 's clip:"10 Minutes",and I saw the column "Also posted by this user" and detected "200 Pounds Beauty" part 7/15.What a clip!I laughed a lot when I watch this part,so I decided to hire the DVD but didn't succeed.Fortunately,this film was projected in Vietnam,also in Megastar cinema.And I decided,I would go to the cinema.And I didn't decide wrong.The film gave me not only funny time with smile but also a meditative mood because of the content that the film bring to:A beautiful mind is more important than good looks! Kim Ah Jung acted so well,the audience can smile or cry when watching her. The best in 200 Pounds Beauty is the soundtrack of film.11 track has 11 different melodies and sorts,they all awesome. And I rate it's a must-see movie,beside My sassy girl,The classic,The Host,The King and the clown

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7 /10

A bit shallow, but still a enjoyable flick

This movie was a big success in Korea when it first came out. I personally thought it was a bit over hyped after watching the movie, but it's still a pretty good movie with many aspects and elements that work. I found it sort of interesting how the main actress went though plastic surgery in real life and she goes through plastic surgery in this movie. The movie has a message that works and understandable, like how you won't know how certain people feels or going through without being in their shoes and to not be judgmental of other people. And has other messages as well. So for a simple plot the movie has depth for the most part. The movie comes off a bit shallow at times but for the most part it's a enjoyable film, just a bit overrated.


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9 /10

Maria awe Maria.........

Music was the heart of this film and made extraordinary especially that 'maria' song, while hearing it gives some unexplained power. The cinematography looks beautiful which was very important for RomCom genres. The actress performed cute and well she's the one who completely carried this film. This film expressed the feelings of a women who feels uncomfortable in their appearance it's really made me cry while watching. A must watch feel good movie.

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10 /10


Warning: Spoilers

Storyline ? Simple, common, and predictable like most of this kinda romantic comedies are. However i do not hesitate giving this film 10 stars, which does NOT mean this is equal to my other 10 star films like Godfather or Taxi Driver, but means this is at the highest for its own genre. Well scripted, superbly directed and paced, lots of funny scenes & emotional scenes, and the soundtrack is quite good also. You can laugh, think, and even cry in 2 hours, and you will feel good after the watch. What can we expect more for romantic comedy ?

And what makes this film more special is the heroine(Hanna/Jenny), Kim Ah-jung. Wow.. She's so beautiful, cute, sexy, can act and sing. She performed this difficult role PERFECTLY.

-- Spoiler --

And what makes me love this film even more is that this film DOES NOT forcibly try to give viewers clichéd messages. Yes, it says "The inside is important", but it does not say "Appearance is nothing but the shell" or something which most of general people like us cannot overcome anyway. Even after the watch of this film, most of us shall still like externally sexy person than '200 pounds beauty' if both has same insides. The film knows it and face it. A dialog between Sang-jun & his associate guy at the very last part of film is PRICELESS summary of all this.

Guy : Sang-jun, why do you like her ? Is it because she's pretty ? Sang-jun : SOB like you would say that Guy : Then it's because she's innocent ? Sang-jun : (Smiles and says) SOB like me would say that..

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6 /10

Decent comedy, some romance and a middling story means it's decent mindless summer entertainment

A sort-of romantic comedy, 200 Pounds Beauty, is a likable, although limited shot at romantic comedy popularity, sustained by a charismatic lead performance by Kim Ajoong and a high concept.

The story revolves around an obese woman who happens to be "the voice" of a popular singer in Corea. Of course, she doesn't look the part, so she just sings in the background. And he happens to be head over heels for her producer, who also happens to be friendly with her. Due to lack of confidence, she undergoes a radical total body plastic surgery procedure and is reborn at the pretty girl she thinks she needs to be to catch her crush. I think the story overall is a little mixed up and doesn't always do a great job of keeping conflicts clear. Sometimes I wasn't sure what the real conflict was with the main character and I find its wishy washy attitude towards societal standards of beauty, as well as plastic surgery, to be too anemic to appreciate. But the film does get many moments of comedy right. Special attention should be given to Kim Ajoong's portrayal of Kim Hana. Although at first I was a little annoyed by her "clumsy fat girl" antics, in the unbelievable fat suit, because I thought it was a negative stereotype of large bodied people, I came to appreciate her performance as she continued the same character after she becomes "beautiful". I loved how awkward her body language as the skinny girl she becomes is and there are some amusing bits of comedy that come from both her and others reacting to her new appearance.

I guess the big criticism I have is the lightweightedness of the story. Despite its romantic comedy billing, I still didn't feel like that much was at stake for Kim Hana, because I don't think the story effectively sold what it was that she cared about, in addition to splitting her interest in more than three directions. Furthermore, the producer character's position never becomes really clear. Many of the actors, being given limited characters, do an adequate job, but outside of the lead role, there's not much depth given to work with. Production value is high, as should be expected for a high-concept tentpole comedy and direction does a decent enough job of capturing a proper romantic comedy atmosphere.

In no way is anyone going to mistake 200 Pounds Beauty for high art, but its limited charms make for decent entertainment. I don't feel like the story is strong enough for the concept, but the execution is adequate enough and there's enough comedy present in the film to keep it floating through its running time. It also helps that Kim Ajoong turns out to be a good listen as well when she opens up her pipes to sing in the film. Thanks to her charming performance, I can give this one passing grade. It's not a special film, but basic romantic comedy entertainment that goes down easy and doesn't leave too big of an imprint in your mind. Decent. 6/10.

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200 hundred pounds!

For a month, I had been deciding whether I should watch this or skip it. I heard some friends wanted to watch this movie. Until now, I decided that I will give a shot. Amazing, I thought it is sightly funny which I thought by watching the trailers, it will be full of sexual jokes. It was what I thought. The story is about a fat woman, which is disgusting, falls for a young charming man and the point is she can sing. She is the voice for the sexy Ammy which only knows how to dance. Sang-joong is the producer of the show and has some feelings for the fat woman, Hanna. Hanna wants to slim down herself to save her life. After a hard year, she goes out, becoming the beautiful woman in everybody's eyes. That is funny. You then will see the victims caught, trying to care for her after seeing her. There may be some funny moments but in the same time, there is some touching moments too.

I heard it was based on the Japanese comic. Either you like seeing comic-to-film, you don't mind about watching this or you like seeing fat chicks getting slim, this is for you.

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8 /10


Sweet fat girl, with an amazing voice, gets hurt, goes through extreme body changes and sets out to find the man of her dreams. The acting was good. Special effects were so-so. The singing was good. The story was decent. The funny parts were okay. Overall, it was a cute movie that I would suggest to friends.

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9 /10

never let fame get to your head

Warning: Spoilers

This movie was so enjoyable right after i watched it, I watched it again. . . the movie follows a girl named Kang Hanna who aspires to become a singer,but instead sings for a phony named Ammy since she's not the typical image that people would want someone to see. The movie is very comical in many situations from beginning,middle,and end,but as funny as it was,also it was very emotional. The morals you learn from this movie can be many mixed into one movie,which is always a plus. You'll gain mixed feelings for each character starting from probably liking them to STRONGLY hating them for some of the stuff they have the balls to pull off. Kang Hanna finally decides to get surgery to lose her weight and alter her appearance and that's where you may start hating her,she turns from big and cute to slim and slutty. She even turns her back on her friends and father,which you will see why the ending makes a huge emotional impact, it is pure fabulism as YOU WILL start crying,hiding your tears from such an ending is just not possible for a human being to hide. 200 pound beauty can easily be one of the best in korean cinema and i'm glad i was able to glimpse the title and watch it.

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5 /10

The beginning absorbs you right in, but the end leaves you feeling shallow.

Warning: Spoilers

I rank this movie a 5 out of 10 because though I did enjoy the first half of the film (for its lightness in humor), it failed to do justice to the real message of the film: plastic surgery is a problematic trend (in Korea and elsewhere), and in order to get noticed, one has to undergo cosmetic surgery--not by talent alone.

The fact that this movie also tries to throw in the romance element really makes for an awkward message to viewers: you want the two to fall in love, but you know that the male character only likes the female character because she's undergone surgery.

Watch this movie not for your typical romance flick, but for a message on how dire the trend of cosmetic surgery is within the celebrity community. But even so, don't take the message this movie seems to be promoting (that full-body plastic surgery is OK if everyone can live with it).

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10 /10

Excellent,Excellent,Excellent Movie

My preteen daughter & I watched this movie on Saturday afternoon and loved it! It deals with insecurities and loving one's self, something that every preteen deals with. My daughter watched it twice! I've been trying to get her into foreign films for the longest. I assume that we will have more Saturday afternoon movies together now! I will look at more Korean films from now on. This is definitely should be a major US big screen release! A lot of the domestic comedies should use this movie for references. If you on the fence about this movie, then get off!! You won't be disappointed! 10 out of 10 is not enough. Make mine 11!

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8 /10

200 Pounds of Comedy

Warning: Spoilers

Briefly, this Korean romantic comedy is about a morbidly obese woman with a talented singing voice. She decides to go for an extreme makeover in order to chase her love interest, the music producer. After one year of plastic surgery and rehabilitation, she transformed into a gorgeous beauty.

The light-hearted humorous film does raise two sober questions inside my head.

1) Is plastic surgery the best solution to be accepted in this modern society or among one's circle of friends?

2) Is physical attractiveness so important that it overshadows one's character traits and inner strengths in a romantic relationship? I often tell my friends to visualize someone special (probably the present boy/girlfriend) and add ten years of age. Is s/he still the right one for you? Before someone starts giving the "no one can predict the future" righteous remark, this is just a simple hypothetical question. I am making the point that physical appearance do not last forever. Beauty fades with age and time. Perhaps a girl has a 27-year-old boyfriend who is presently clubbing, drinking and smoking regularly. He does not have any savings and spends as quickly as he earns. Add 10 years to his age. Tell me what you see. Bad habits are as skin-deep as character traits. You cannot change them overnight.

Mao points: 8/10

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10 /10

200 pound beauty

Warning: Spoilers

I love the idea for this movie and the overall all plot going into it. I thought it was gonna be a good one and it didn't disappoint not one little bit. A lot of girl feel the same way like the girl in this movie did. They feel as if they are bigger then the wanted size of like most non plus size models then they are fat and not beauty when that not the case. The girls feel like they become the small size the is most wanted by people they will become happier but as what was shown in this movie. Just becuse you become smaller doesn't mean it will make you happier as the main girl in this story learned. It was also good that it was set in South Korea which has some of the worse body issues in the world so that young Korea girls could watch this and maybe learn something. But any girl no matter where they live could learn something from this movie for sure. It think all girl should watch this movie for sure. It a really good one. The main women in this story when under the knife to get smaller instead of doing exercise which some people would do that in real life. They did a good job with character development in the movie. Is was very emotion and it showed emotion in the movie well. It also talked about the main women in the movie being bullied for being a plus size women in Korea. It think this movie is a must watch every girl everywhere. Boys, women and men should watch it too of course. It very family friendly watch too.

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